Hands Off Mother Earth! Manifesto Against Geoengineering

October 4, 2018

180 civil society organizations and popular movements denounce geoengineering and demand an immediate stop to all open-air experiments. If your organization would like to join the fight against geoengineering and endorse the HOME Manifesto, please send an email to manifesto@geoengineeringmonitor.org.

Individuals can sign on below.

Read the news release for the launch of the HOME Manifesto. (October 2018)

Download the HOME Manifesto in pdf format:

[emailpetition id=”1″]


To date, 195 organizations from 45 countries have signed the HOME Manifesto.

International Organizations:

Alianza por la Biodiversidad en América Latina
Amigos de la Tierra de América Latina y el Caribe (ATALC)
Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
Climate Justice Alliance
Corporate Accountability International
Corporate Europe Observatory
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
ETC Group
Focus on Global South
Friends of the Earth International
Global Forest Coalition
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Indigenous Environmental Network
International Oil Working Group
JVE International
La Via Campesina
Navdanya, International
Oilwatch Latinoamérica
The Gaia Foundation
Third World Network
Transnational Institute
World Indigenous Women’s Alliance (TONATIERRA)
World March of Women, Americas
World Rainforest Movement
Oil Change International





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